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[Az] Day 08: Setting Up a Deployment Pipeline for Pulumi Projects.

Published: at 12:00 PM


In this tutorial, We will walk through creating a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline on Azure DevOps for our Pulumi projects.

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Ensure you have:


Pulumi Variable Group

Create a variable group in Azure DevOps Libraries named pulumi, and add the PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN variable: pulumi-variable-group

Setting Up Azure Resource Management Connection

  1. Navigate to Service connections in Azure DevOps and create a new Azure Workload Identity connection named az-pulumi for Azure Resource Management: az-federation

    Note: Specifying a resource group is optional. This can be used to restrict the connection’s access to a specific resource group if needed.

  2. Once the service connection is established, verify the app registration presence in the Azure Portal here: Azure-Connection-Details

    The app registration on Azure Portal

  3. Ensure the app registration has enough permissions for deployment:

    • As an Owner and Key Vault Administrator roles at the subscription level.
    • Microsoft Graph permissions to provide it with the necessary privileges for comprehensive deployment operations. api-permission

      The API permission of the app registration

    • As member of AZ ROL DEV-AKS-ADMIN Entra Group: This is necessary for granting the permissions for Helm deployment on AzureDevOps.

Deployment Templates

For reusability, several templates have been developed:

Build Template: build-template.yml

View yaml:

- name: stack
  type: string
- name: workDir
  type: string

- checkout: self
  submodules: true
  persistCredentials: true

#install node
- task: NodeTool@0
  displayName: "install node"
    versionSpec: "20.x"

# setup pnpm
- script: |
    corepack enable
    corepack prepare pnpm@latest-9 --activate
    pnpm config set store-dir $(pnpm_config_cache)
  displayName: "Setup pnpm"

# build commons
- script: |
    pnpm install
    pnpm run build
  displayName: "build az-commons"
  workingDirectory: az-commons

# install current directory
- script: pnpm install
  displayName: "install ${{ parameters.workDir }}"
  workingDirectory: ${{ parameters.workDir }}

Deployment Template: deploy-template.yml

View yaml:

- name: stack
  type: string
- name: workDir
  type: string
- name: azureSubscription
  type: string

#ensure the pulumi cli is installed
- task: Bash@3
  displayName: install latest pulumi
    targetType: 'inline'
    script: 'curl -fsSL | sh'

#Pulumi Refresh
- task: Pulumi@1
  displayName: "pulumi refresh"
  continueOnError: true
  condition: eq(variables['pulumi.refresh'], 'true')
    NODE_OPTIONS: '--max-old-space-size=8192'
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.azureSubscription }}
    command: "refresh"
    cwd: ${{ parameters.workDir }}
    stack: ${{ parameters.stack }}
    args: "--yes --skip-preview"

- task: Pulumi@1
  displayName: "pulumi up after refresh"
  condition: eq(variables['pulumi.refresh'], 'true')
  continueOnError: true
    NODE_OPTIONS: '--max-old-space-size=8192'
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.azureSubscription }}
    command: "up"
    cwd: ${{ parameters.workDir }}
    stack: ${{ parameters.stack }}
    args: "--yes --skip-preview"

#Pulumi Up
- task: Pulumi@1
  displayName: "pulumi up"
  continueOnError: false
    NODE_OPTIONS: '--max-old-space-size=8192'
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.azureSubscription }}
    command: "up"
    cwd: ${{ parameters.workDir }}
    stack: ${{ parameters.stack }}
    args: "--yes --skip-preview"

Using Pulumi refresh is essential for maintaining an accurate state. For more details, refer to this article.

Pulumi Deployment Pipeline

To establish a deployment pipeline in Azure DevOps, We’ll create a new pipeline and use the file.

YAML Configuration

  1. Trigger: The pipeline is set to trigger automatically for branches matching the pattern releases/*.
  2. Agent Pool: We use the ubuntu-latest agent pool for running our pipeline tasks.
  3. Variables: The configuration includes several key variables:
    • pulumi: A variable group containing essential Pulumi configuration settings.
    • azureSubscription: The name of the Azure Resource Manager connection.
    • pnpm_config_cache: The specified location for the pnpm cache.
    • env_name: Dynamically derived from the branch name, determining the deployment environment.

Pipeline Structure and Flow

Our pipeline consists of four distinct deployment stages. Each stage utilizes the build-and-deploy.yml template file, with appropriate parameters passed to it.

To initiate the pipeline:

  1. Create a new branch named releases/dev
  2. Push the changes to this branch
  3. The pipeline will automatically trigger and run

Here’s a visual representation of the deployment sequence: deploy-pipeline-flow

Visualization of the Deployment Pipeline Stages

The pipeline progresses through these stages in order, ensuring a systematic and controlled deployment process. Each stage builds upon the previous one, allowing for a comprehensive and structured approach to deploying our Pulumi projects.

View yaml:

trigger: none
# uncomment this to enable auto trigger.
#  branches:
#    include:
#    - releases/*
#    exclude:
#    - main
pr: none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- group: pulumi
- name: azureSubscription
  value: 'az-pulumi'
- name: pnpm_config_cache
  value: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.pnpm-store
# identity the enc based on branch name ex: dev, sandbox and prd
- name: env_name
  value: $[replace(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'refs/heads/releases', '')]

# stage 1: az-01-shared
- stage: 'deploy_shared'
  displayName: 'Deploy az-01-shared'
  - template: build-and-deploy.yml
      workDir: 'az-01-shared'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)

# stage 2: az-02-hub-vnet
- stage: 'deploy_hub'
  dependsOn: 'deploy_shared'
  displayName: 'Deploy az-02-hub-vnet'
  - template: build-and-deploy.yml
      workDir: 'az-02-hub-vnet'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)

# stage 3: az-03-aks-cluster
- stage: 'deploy_aks'
  dependsOn: 'deploy_hub'
  displayName: 'Deploy az-03-aks-cluster'
  - template: build-and-deploy.yml
      workDir: 'az-03-aks-cluster'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)

# stage 4: az-04-cloudPC
- stage: 'deploy_cloudpc'
  dependsOn: 'deploy_hub'
  displayName: 'Deploy az-04-cloudPC'
  - template: build-and-deploy.yml
      workDir: 'az-04-cloudPC'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)

Pulumi Destroy Pipeline

This pipeline demonstrates how to safely destroy a Pulumi deployment stack. Exercise caution, as once a stack is destroyed, it cannot be restored.

To set up a destruction pipeline in Azure DevOps, use the file. The destruction states are reverted from the deployment state.

Here’s a visual representation of the deployment sequence: deploy-pipeline-flow

Each stage in this process uses the danger-build-and-destroy.yml file with the necessary parameters.

Visualization of the Destroy Pipeline

View yaml:

trigger: none
pr: none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- group: pulumi
- name: azureSubscription
  value: 'az-pulumi'
- name: pnpm_config_cache
  value: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.pnpm-store
- name: env_name
  value: $[replace(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'refs/heads/releases', '')]

# stage 1: az-04-cloudPC
- stage: 'destroy_cloudpc'
  displayName: 'Destroy az-04-cloudPC'
  - template: danger-build-and-destroy.yml
      workDir: 'az-04-cloudPC'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)

# stage 2: az-03-aks-cluster
- stage: 'destroy_aks_cluster'
  dependsOn: 'destroy_cloudpc'
  displayName: 'Destroy az-03-aks-cluster'
  - template: danger-build-and-destroy.yml
      workDir: 'az-03-aks-cluster'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)

# stage 3: az-02-hub-vnet
- stage: 'destroy_hub_vnet'
  dependsOn: 'destroy_aks_cluster'
  displayName: 'Destroy az-02-hub-vnet'
  - template: danger-build-and-destroy.yml
      workDir: 'az-02-hub-vnet'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)

# stage 4: az-01-shared
- stage: 'destroy__shared'
  dependsOn: 'destroy_hub_vnet'
  displayName: 'Destroy az-01-shared'
  - template: danger-build-and-destroy.yml
      workDir: 'az-01-shared'
      stack: $(env_name)
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)


In this tutorial, we’ve successfully set up a CI/CD pipeline using Pulumi and Azure DevOps. This pipeline automates the deployment of infrastructure, ensuring that our environments are consistent, scalable, and easy to manage.

By leveraging Pulumi’s abilities, we can integrate infrastructure as code into our development workflows, enhancing both efficiency and reliability.



Day 09: Synchronizing Container Images to ACR for a Private AKS Cluster Using CI/CD Pipelines.

In the next article, We explore the process of synchronizing container images with ACR for deployments in a private AKS cluster. We’ll cover how to configure and automate this synchronization using CI/CD pipelines, ensuring seamless updates and secure image management for private AKS environments.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide! We hope it has been helpful. Feel free to explore further and happy coding! 🌟✨

Steven | GitHub