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[.NET] Aspire, Simplifying Local Development Environment and Testing.

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Starting a new project is both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to configuring the development environment. Many projects require a mix of technologies, which can lead to time-consuming setup and potential errors. .NET Aspire simplifies this process by offering a framework that helps developers set up a consistent and efficient environment across various projects.

With .NET Aspire, We can create a ready-to-run local environment that integrates seamlessly with Docker, allowing the development team to focus on coding without worrying about complex setup requirements. It supports smooth integration with containers, making it easier to handle dependencies and ensuring that our local environment closely mirrors the development/staging environment setup.

In addition to simplifying environment setup, this guide walks us through writing robust integration tests. These tests ensure all components work well together and catch potential issues early in the development process. We’ll also learn how to incorporate these tests into a continuous integration (CI) pipeline, ensuring the code is consistently validated and error-free before it reaches production.

Why .NET Aspire?

.NET Aspire is designed to improve the experience of building .NET cloud-native applications. It provides a consistent, opinionated set of tools and patterns that help to build and run distributed apps. .NET Aspire assists with:

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Setting Up the Local Environment

Let’s start by creating a simple API project and hosting it with .NET Aspire.


Creating an API Project

Assuming we already have a simple API that utilizes the following technologies:

This API has the following endpoints, as displayed in the Swagger UI:


Aspire Templates Explanation

Aspire provides several project templates to help to get started quickly with different aspects of application development and testing:


Hosting with Aspire

To host the API above with its dependencies with Aspire, follow these steps:

Create Aspire.Host

First, create a new project named Aspire.Host using the App Host template provided by .NET Aspire.

Add PostgreSQL Support

Next, install the Aspire PostgreSQL hosting package to add PostgreSQL support to this project.

dotnet add package Aspire.Hosting.PostgreSQL

Note: Refer to the .NET Aspire GitHub repository for a full list of hosting components supported by Aspire.

Aspire Host with Config as Code

Open Program.cs in the Aspire.Host project and configure the DistributedApplication as shown:

var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Database
var postgres = builder.AddPostgres("postgres").PublishAsConnectionString();
var db = postgres.AddDatabase("Db");

// Internal API



EF Core Database Migration

Automating database migrations is important when using EF Core to ensure consistency across environments. While we won’t discuss the details here, you can refer to the EF Core Migrations guide compatible with .NET Aspire.

Aspire Host Dashboard

Run the Aspire.Host project. The dashboard will display all running components.


.NET Aspire for Testing

Integration tests ensure that different parts of the application work together correctly. However, writing and running them on CI/CD pipelines can be challenging and time-consuming. .NET Aspire simplifies this process by handling much of the setup for us.

Create Aspire.Tests

Create a new test project named Aspire.Tests using the Test Project (xUnit) template provided by .NET Aspire. This template sets up the necessary scaffolding for integration tests using xUnit.

Add Reference to Aspire.Host

Instead of installing the same NuGet package dependencies in Aspire.Tests, add a project reference to Aspire.Host. This allows the test project to leverage the configurations and services defined in the host project.

Here is a reference graph:


ApiFixture Class

The ApiFixture class sets up the necessary environment for integration tests. It extends WebApplicationFactory<Api.Program> and implements IAsyncLifetime to manage the lifecycle of the test environment.

public sealed class ApiFixture : WebApplicationFactory<Api.Program>, IAsyncLifetime
    private readonly IHost _app;
    private readonly IResceBuilder<PostgresServerResce> _postgres;
    private string? _postgresConnectionString;

     * Constructor for ApiFixture.
     * Initializes the DistributedApplicationOptions and sets up the PostgreSQL server resce.
    public ApiFixture()
        var options = new DistributedApplicationOptions
            AssemblyName = typeof(ApiFixture).Assembly.FullName,
            DisableDashboard = true
        var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(options);

        _postgres = builder.AddPostgres("postgres").PublishAsConnectionString();
        _app = builder.Build();

     * Creates and configures the host for the application.
     * Adds the PostgreSQL connection string to the host configuration.
     * Ensures the database is created before returning the host.
     * @param builder The IHostBuilder instance.
     * @return The configured IHost instance.
    protected override IHost CreateHost(IHostBuilder builder)
        builder.ConfigureHostConfiguration(config =>
            config.AddInMemoryCollection(new Dictionary<string, string?>
                { "ConnectionStrings:Db", _postgresConnectionString },

        //TODO: add logic for db migration and seeding data here.
        var host = base.CreateHost(builder);
        return host;

     * Disposes the resces used by the fixture asynchronously.
     * Stops the application host and disposes of it.
    public new async Task DisposeAsync()
        await base.DisposeAsync();
        await _app.StopAsync();
        if (_app is IAsyncDisposable asyncDisposable)
            await asyncDisposable.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

     * Initializes the fixture asynchronously.
     * Starts the application host and waits for the PostgreSQL resce to be in the running state.
     * Retrieves the PostgreSQL connection string.
    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        var resceNotificationService = _app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResceNotificationService>();
        await _app.StartAsync();

        await resceNotificationService.WaitForResceAsync(_postgres.Resce.Name, KnownResceStates.Running);
        _postgresConnectionString = await _postgres.Resce.GetConnectionStringAsync();


The ApiFixture class is responsible for:

Test Cases Class

The ProductEndpointsTests class contains integration tests for the product endpoints of the API. It uses the ApiFixture to set up the test environment and HttpClient to make requests to the API.

public class ProductEndpointsTests(ApiFixture fixture, ITestOutputHelper output) : IClassFixture<ApiFixture>
    private readonly HttpClient _client = fixture.CreateClient();

     * Tests the creation of a product.
     * Ensures that the product is created successfully and returns a valid product ID.
    public async Task CreateProduct_ReturnsCreatedProduct()
        // Arrange
        var command = new CreateProduct.Command { Name = "Test Product", Price = 10.99m };
        // Act
        var response = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("/products", command);

        // Assert
        var productId = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<int>();
        Assert.True(productId > 0);

     * Tests the retrieval of a product.
     * Ensures that the product is retrieved successfully and matches the expected values.
    public async Task GetProduct_ReturnsProduct()
        // Arrange
        var command = new CreateProduct.Command { Name = "Test Product", Price = 10.99m };
        var createResponse = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("/products", command);
        var productId = await createResponse.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<int>();

        // Act
        var response = await _client.GetAsync($"/products/{productId}");

        // Assert
        var product = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<Product>();
        Assert.Equal("Test Product", product.Name);
        Assert.Equal(10.99m, product.Price);

     * Tests the update of a product.
     * Ensures that the product is updated successfully and returns a NoContent status.
    public async Task UpdateProduct_ReturnsNoContent()
        // Arrange
        var command = new CreateProduct.Command { Name = "Test Product", Price = 10.99m };
        var createResponse = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("/products", command);
        var productId = await createResponse.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<int>();

        var updateCommand = new UpdateProduct.Command { Id = productId, Name = "Updated Product", Price = 20.99m };

        // Act
        var response = await _client.PutAsJsonAsync($"/products/{productId}", updateCommand);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, response.StatusCode);

     * Tests the deletion of a product.
     * Ensures that the product is deleted successfully and returns a NoContent status.
    public async Task DeleteProduct_ReturnsNoContent()
        // Arrange
        var command = new CreateProduct.Command { Name = "Test Product", Price = 10.99m };
        var createResponse = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("/products", command);
        var productId = await createResponse.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<int>();

        // Act
        var response = await _client.DeleteAsync($"/products/{productId}");

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, response.StatusCode);


The ProductEndpointsTests class is responsible for testing the CRUD of the product endpoints. It ensures that:

Note: Postgres connection issues may arise when running multiple sets of test cases in parallel. In such cases, instead of using IClassFixture<>, consider using IAssemblyFixture. This approach ensures that only a single instance of DistributedApplication is created for the entire test suite.

Testing Results

Here are the reports on Azure DevOps after the pipeline ran successfully.

Running Tests on Azure DevOps

Configuring the Pipeline

To automate testing and code coverage collection, let’s set up a continuous integration (CI) pipeline using Azure DevOps.

In the Azure DevOps project, create a new pipeline that builds the code, runs tests, and collects code coverage data.

Here is an example of what our azure-pipelines.yml file might look like.

  - main

  - repo: self

  BuildConfiguration: Release
  RestoreBuildProjects: "**/*.csproj"
  TestProjects: "**/*[Tt]ests/*.csproj"

  # Agent VM image name
  vmImageName: "ubuntu-latest"

  - stage: Build
    displayName: Build and Test Stage
      - job: Build
        displayName: Build
          vmImage: $(vmImageName)
          # Use the correct .NET SDK version
          - task: UseDotNet@2
            displayName: "Use .NET SDK 8.x"
              packageType: "sdk"
              version: "8.x"

          # Install the necessary .NET workload
          - task: Bash@3
            displayName: "Install Aspire Workload"
              targetType: "inline"
              script: "dotnet workload install aspire"

          # Build the project
          - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
            displayName: "Build Project"
              command: "build"
              projects: $(RestoreBuildProjects)
              arguments: -c $(BuildConfiguration)

          # Run tests and collect code coverage
          - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
            displayName: "Run Tests and Collect Coverage"
              command: "test"
              projects: "$(TestProjects)"
              arguments: '--configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --collect "Code Coverage"'


Note: Ensure that the YAML file includes the UseDotNet@2 task to specify the required .NET SDK version.

Running the Pipeline

Save the pipeline configuration and run it. Monitor the build process to ensure all steps complete successfully.

After the pipeline completes, the test results and code coverage reports should be appeared in Azure DevOps.

  1. Test Results:

    Displays which tests passed or failed.


  2. Code Coverage:

    Provides detailed information about which parts of the code were tested.


Note: The initial code coverage might be lower than expected. For example, you might see an overall coverage of 23.89%, even though the API component itself has 88.14% coverage. This discrepancy occurs because the coverage report includes all libraries, those not part of the API project.

Improving Code Coverage Reports

To generate a more meaningful code coverage report, We can configure it to include only the relevant components of the project.

  1. Creating the Coverage Filtering File:

    Create a file named coverage.runsettings in the project root with the appropriate configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <DataCollector friendlyName="XPlat Code Coverage">


  1. Updating the Pipeline Configuration:

    Modify the azure-pipelines.yml file to use the coverage.runsettings file and publish the code coverage results.

# ... previous configuration ...

# Run tests with coverage filtering
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
  displayName: "Test with Coverage Filtering"
    command: "test"
    projects: "$(TestProjects)"
    arguments: '--configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --settings coverage.runsettings --collect "XPlat Code Coverage"'

# Publish the code coverage results to Azure DevOps
- task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@2
    summaryFileLocation: "$(Agent.TempDirectory)/**/coverage.cobertura.xml"


  1. Enhanced Coverage Report:

    After running the updated pipeline, We should see an improved code coverage report that focuses on the relevant parts of the project. The coverage results will now provide detailed insights at the class level using the XPlat format.



By utilizing .NET Aspire and Docker, we can create a consistent, isolated environment that streamlines not just Entity Framework integration testing but the entire development lifecycle. .NET Aspire offers a flexible to config as code and sharing ready-to-run environment to all the development teams.


Thank You

Thank for taking the time to read this guide! I hope it has been helpful, feel free to explore further, and happy coding! 🌟✨

Steven GitHub