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[Az] Day 03: Secret Management and Centralized Log Monitoring on Azure.

Published: at 12:00 PM


In this article, we will discuss the process of establishing a secure and automated system for secret management for the environment.

Additionally, we will cover how to implement centralized log monitoring enhancing observability and operational efficiency.

  1. Secret Management:
    Utilizes Azure Key Vault to securely manage and store sensitive information such as credentials, certificates, and secrets. This guarantees consistent and secure access across all applications and services.

  2. Centralized Application Log Management:
    Implements a centralized logging system using Azure Log Analytics and Application Insights to collect and analyze logs from all applications. This setup allows for effective performance monitoring, issue troubleshooting, and operational insight maintenance across the environment.

  3. CI/CD flow: secrets-management

    Illustration of the software CI/CD flow

    • The purpose of this CI/CD flow is to ensure that environment secrets, especially for production, are automatically generated by Pulumi and stored securely in Azure Key Vault.
    • When developers need to deploy an application, they only need to specify the secret name in the deployment spec.
    • During the deployment process, the CI/CD pipeline will automatically replace the secret name with the actual secret from Key Vault.
    • This approach guarantees that sensitive production secrets remain secure and are not exposed to the team members.

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Before we start coding, it’s important to define our configuration settings. This involves specifying resource names and subnet address spaces that we’ll use throughout the project.

Resource Groups

We categorize our resources into different Azure resource groups for better organization and management:

Resource GroupDescription
Shared Resource GroupWhere our Key Vault and logging components reside.
Hub VNet Resource GroupContains our main VNet hub.
AKS VNet Resource GroupContains resources specific to the AKS cluster.
CloudPC VNet Resource GroupFor resources related to virtual desktops or cloud PCs.

Allocated Subnets

Again, this is the subnet Ip address spaces that we have defined in the previous post.

VNet NameSubnet NameAddress PrefixTotalUsable
1. Hub VNet1.1 Firewall Subnet192.168.30.0/266459
1.2 Firewall Management Subnet192.168.30.64/265459
1.3 General Subnet192.168.30.128/273227
2. AKS VNet2.1 AKS Subnet192.168.31.0/24256251
3. CloudPC VNet3.1 CloudPC Subnet192.168.32.0/25128123
3.2 DevOps Subnet192.168.32.128/273227

The configuration file

Here is the config.ts file will be used for all pulumi our projects:

View code:

export const azGroups = {
    //The name of Shared resource group
    shared: '01-shared',
    //The name of Hub VNet resource group
    hub: '02-hub',
    //The name of AKS VNet resource group
    aks: '03-aks',
    //The name of CloudPC VNet resource group
    cloudPC: '04-cloudPC',

//The subnet IP address spaces
export const subnetSpaces = {
    firewall: '',
    firewallManage: '',
    general: '',
    aks: '',
    cloudPC: '',
    devOps: '',

Note: Adding a number as a prefix to the Azure resource group names helps keep them sorted in sequence, making them easier to find and navigate.

The Common Project

To promote code reusability and maintainability, we create a common project named az-commons. This library contains utilities and helper functions that we’ll use across all our Pulumi projects.

The azEnv Module

This module provides functions to retrieve Azure environment configurations:

View code:

import * as azure from '@pulumi/azure-native';
import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi';

// Parse the Pulumi configuration from the environment variable
const env = JSON.parse(process.env.PULUMI_CONFIG ?? '{}');
// Retrieve the current Azure client configuration
const config = azure.authorization.getClientConfigOutput();

// Export the tenant ID from the Azure client configuration
export const tenantId = config.tenantId;

// Export the subscription ID from the Azure client configuration
export const subscriptionId = config.subscriptionId;

// Export the object ID of the current principal (user or service principal)
export const currentPrincipal = config.objectId;

// Export the current Azure region code, defaulting to "SoutheastAsia" if not set
export const currentRegionCode = env['azure-native:config:location']!;

//Print and Check
pulumi.all([subscriptionId, tenantId]).apply(([s, t]) => {
    console.log(`Azure Environment:`, {
        tenantId: t,
        subscriptionId: s,

The naming Module

This module helps generate resource names with a consistent prefix based on the Pulumi stack name:

View code:

import { stack } from "./stackEnv";

 * Retrieves the resource group name with the stack name as a prefix.
 * @param {string} name - The base name of the resource group.
 * @returns {string} - The resource group name prefixed with the stack name.
export const getGroupName = (name: string) => `${stack}-${name}`;

 * Retrieves the resource name with the stack name as a prefix.
 * @param {string} name - The base name of the resource.
 * @param {string} [suffix] - An optional suffix to append to the resource name.
 * @returns {string} - The resource name prefixed with the stack name and optionally suffixed.
 * @example
 * // returns "stackName-resourceName"
 * getName("resourceName");
 * @example
 * // returns "stackName-resourceName-suffix"
 * getName("resourceName", "suffix");
export const getName = (
  name: string,
  suffix: string | undefined = undefined,
) => {
  // Remove leading numbers and hyphen from the name
  name = name.replace(/^\d+-/, "");
  return suffix ? `${stack}-${name}-${suffix}` : `${stack}-${name}`;

The stackEnv Module

This module provides functions to retrieve Pulumi stack environment configurations:

View code:

import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi';

export const isDryRun = Boolean(process.env.PULUMI_NODEJS_DRY_RUN);
export const organization = process.env.PULUMI_NODEJS_ORGANIZATION!;
export const projectName =
    process.env.PULUMI_NODEJS_PROJECT ?? pulumi.getProject().toLowerCase();
export const stack =
    process.env.PULUMI_NODEJS_STACK ?? pulumi.getStack().toLowerCase();

/**Get stack reference for a project*/
export const StackReference = <TOutput>(
    projectName: string
): pulumi.Output<TOutput> => {
    const stackRef = new pulumi.StackReference(
    return stackRef.outputs.apply(
        (s) => s.default ?? s
    ) as pulumi.Output<TOutput>;

/**Get stack reference for current project*/
export const CurrentProjectReference = <TOutput>() =>

console.log('Pulumi Environments:', {

The Shared Project

Following the instructions from Day 01, we create a new project named az-01-shared. This project will include the following components:

The Vault Module

Creating a Azure Key Vault is a secure storage solution for managing secrets, keys, and certificates. It helps safeguard cryptographic keys and secrets used by cloud applications and services.

View code:

import { currentPrincipal, getName, tenantId } from '@az-commons';
import * as azure from '@pulumi/azure-native';
import * as ad from '@pulumi/azuread';

export default (
    name: string,
        //it should be 90 days or more in PRD
        retentionInDays = 7,
    }: {
        retentionInDays?: number;
        rsGroup: azure.resources.ResourceGroup;
) => {
    const vaultName = getName(name, 'vlt');
    const vault = new azure.keyvault.Vault(
            properties: {
                //This must be enabled for VM Disk encryption
                enablePurgeProtection: true,
                enabledForDiskEncryption: true,
                //soft delete min value is '7' and max is '90'
                softDeleteRetentionInDays: retentionInDays,
                //Must be authenticated with EntraID for accessing.
                enableRbacAuthorization: true,
                //enabledForDeployment: true,
                sku: {
                    name: azure.keyvault.SkuName.Standard,
                    family: azure.keyvault.SkuFamily.A,
        { dependsOn: rsGroup }

    /** As the key vault is requiring Rbac authentication.
     * So We will create 2 EntraID groups for ReadOnly and Write access to this Key Vault
    const vaultReadOnlyGroup = new ad.Group(`${vaultName}-readOnly`, {
        displayName: `AZ ROL ${vaultName.toUpperCase()} READONLY`,
        securityEnabled: true,
        //add current principal as an owner.
        owners: [currentPrincipal],
    const vaultWriteGroup = new ad.Group(`${vaultName}-write`, {
        displayName: `AZ ROL ${vaultName.toUpperCase()} WRITE`,
        securityEnabled: true,
        //add current principal as an owner.
        owners: [currentPrincipal],
        //Add current member in to ensure the AzureDevOps principal has WRITE permission to Vault
        members: [currentPrincipal],

     * These roles allow read access to the secrets in the Key Vault, including keys, certificates, and secrets.
     * The role names and IDs are provided here for reference, but only the ID is used in the code.
     * All roles are combined into a single Entra ID group in this implementation. However, you can split them
     * into separate groups depending on your environment's requirements.
     * To retrieve all available roles in Azure, you can use the following REST API:

    //ReadOnly Roles
            name: 'Key Vault Crypto Service Encryption User',
            id: 'e147488a-f6f5-4113-8e2d-b22465e65bf6',
            name: 'Key Vault Secrets User',
            id: '4633458b-17de-408a-b874-0445c86b69e6',
            name: 'Key Vault Crypto User',
            id: '12338af0-0e69-4776-bea7-57ae8d297424',
            name: 'Key Vault Certificate User',
            id: 'db79e9a7-68ee-4b58-9aeb-b90e7c24fcba',
            name: 'Key Vault Reader',
            id: '21090545-7ca7-4776-b22c-e363652d74d2',
        (r) =>
            //Grant the resource roles to the group above.
            new azure.authorization.RoleAssignment(
                    principalType: 'Group',
                    principalId: vaultReadOnlyGroup.objectId,
                    roleDefinitionId: `/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/${}`,
                { dependsOn: [vault, vaultReadOnlyGroup] }

    //Write Roles
            name: 'Key Vault Certificates Officer',
            id: 'a4417e6f-fecd-4de8-b567-7b0420556985',
            name: 'Key Vault Crypto Officer',
            id: '14b46e9e-c2b7-41b4-b07b-48a6ebf60603',
            name: 'Key Vault Secrets Officer',
            id: 'b86a8fe4-44ce-4948-aee5-eccb2c155cd7',
            name: 'Key Vault Contributor',
            id: 'f25e0fa2-a7c8-4377-a976-54943a77a395',
        (r) =>
            //Grant the resource roles to the group above.
            new azure.authorization.RoleAssignment(
                    principalType: 'Group',
                    principalId: vaultWriteGroup.objectId,
                    roleDefinitionId: `/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/${}`,
                { dependsOn: [vault, vaultWriteGroup] }

    return { vault, vaultReadOnlyGroup, vaultWriteGroup };

The Log Module

This module provisions a Log Analytics Workspace, which is used for collecting and analyzing telemetry data from various sources, providing insights into resource utilization and performance.

View code:

import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure-native";
import { getName } from "@az-commons";

export default (
  name: string,
    //For demo purpose I config capacity here is 100Mb. Adjust this according to your env.
    dailyQuotaGb = 0.1,
    sku = azure.operationalinsights.WorkspaceSkuNameEnum.PerGB2018,
  }: {
    dailyQuotaGb?: number;
    rsGroup: azure.resources.ResourceGroup;
    sku?: azure.operationalinsights.WorkspaceSkuNameEnum;
) =>
  new azure.operationalinsights.Workspace(
    getName(name, "log"),
      features: { immediatePurgeDataOn30Days: true },
      workspaceCapping: { dailyQuotaGb },
      sku: { name: sku },
    { dependsOn: rsGroup },

The AppInsight module

This module provisions an Application Insights component for monitoring web applications, linking it to a Log Analytics Workspace for data ingestion.

View code:

import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure-native";
import { getName } from "@az-commons";

export default (
  name: string,
  }: {
    rsGroup: azure.resources.ResourceGroup;
    workspace: azure.operationalinsights.Workspace;
    vault?: azure.keyvault.Vault;
) => {
  const appInsightName = getName(name, "insights");
  const appInsight = new azure.insights.Component(
      kind: "web",
      applicationType: "web",
      retentionInDays: 30,
      immediatePurgeDataOn30Days: true,
      ingestionMode: azure.insights.IngestionMode.LogAnalytics,
    { dependsOn: workspace },

  if (vault) {
    //Add appInsight key to vault
    new azure.keyvault.Secret(
        secretName: `${appInsightName}-key`,
        properties: {
          value: appInsight.instrumentationKey,
          contentType: "AppInsight",
        dependsOn: appInsight,
        //The option `retainOnDelete` allows to retain the resources on Azure when deleting pulumi resources.
        //In this case the secret will be retained on Key Vault when deleting.
        retainOnDelete: true,

    //Add App insight connection string to vault
    new azure.keyvault.Secret(
        secretName: `${appInsightName}-conn`,
        properties: {
          value: appInsight.connectionString,
          contentType: "AppInsight",
        dependsOn: appInsight,
        //The option `retainOnDelete` allows to retain the resources on Azure when deleting pulumi resources.
        //In this case the secret will be retained on Key Vault when deleting.
        retainOnDelete: true,

  return appInsight;

The main index.ts module:

This is a main module for the shared project, and a similar structure is maintained across all related projects. This file is tasked with:

View code:

import { getGroupName } from '@az-commons';
import * as azure from '@pulumi/azure-native';
import * as config from '../config';
import Log from './Log';
import Vault from './Vault';

// Create Shared Resource Group
const rsGroup = new azure.resources.ResourceGroup(

//The vault to store env secrets env
const vaultInfo = Vault(config.azGroups.shared, {
    //This should be 90 days in PRD.
    retentionInDays: 7,

//The centralized log workspace and appInsight
const logInfo = Log(config.azGroups.shared, {
    vault: vaultInfo.vault,

// Export the information that will be used in the other projects
export default {
    rsGroup: { name:, id: },
    logWorkspace: {
        customerId: logInfo.workspace.customerId,
    appInsight: {
        key: logInfo.appInsight.instrumentationKey,
    vault: {

Deployment and Cleanup

Deploying the Stack

To deploy the stack, execute the pnpm run up command. This provisions the necessary Azure resources. We can verify the deployment as follows:

Cleaning Up the Stack

To remove the stack and clean up all associated Azure resources, run the pnpm run destroy command. This ensures that any resources no longer needed are properly deleted.


By following this guide, we have successfully automated the deployment of secure secret management and centralized log management using Azure Key Vault, Log Analytics, and Application Insights with Pulumi.

This setup ensures that sensitive data is securely stored and that we have real-time monitoring of application performance across our environment.

Implementing RBAC and the principle of least privilege enhances the security posture of our infrastructure. Centralized logging enables us to efficiently troubleshoot issues and gain operational insights.



Day 04: Develops a Virtual Network Hub for Private AKS on Azure

In the next article, We’ll walk through the process of developing the first Hub VNet for a private AKS environment using Pulumi. We will demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate a VNet with an Azure Firewall, along with configuring outbound public IP addresses.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide! I hope it has been helpful, feel free to explore further, and happy coding! 🌟✨

Steven | GitHub