Tag: tools
All the articles with the tag "tools".
[Tools] Cleaning Up Azure Service Bus Dead-Letter Queues with .NET
Published: at 12:00 PMIn cloud-based applications, message queues are essential for reliable communication between services, with Azure Service Bus being a popular choice. However, messages that cannot be delivered or processed are moved to dead-letter queues (DLQs). Accumulating dead-letter messages without regular cleanup can lead to storage overruns and performance issues. This post explains the importance of cleaning up DLQs to prevent issues like QuotaExceededException and ensure system reliability. It also provides a guide on implementing a .NET background service to automate the cleanup process by moving dead-letter messages to Azure Blob Storage for later analysis or reprocessing. This approach helps maintain optimal system performance while preserving valuable data for future troubleshooting.
[Tools] Automating SQL Data Cleanup in Development and Sandbox Environments
Published: at 12:00 PMIn development and sandbox environments, data can quickly accumulate, leading to performance issues and increased costs. The SQL Data Cleanup program automates the removal of old records from SQL databases based on configurable settings. This post highlights the importance of regular data cleanup to reduce clutter, enhance performance, and manage costs, while also providing guidance on configuring the program to meet specific needs. The tool helps keep databases efficient and manageable, ensuring optimal performance in development and testing environments.
[DevOps] Automating Branch Cleanup in Azure DevOps with Node.js
Published: at 12:00 PMA comprehensive guide on automating the cleanup of old branches in Azure DevOps Git repositories using a Node.js script. The script identifies branches that haven't been updated in the last 90 days and deletes them if they meet certain criteria.
[.NET] Small tool for Azure AD to AD User Write back
Published: at 12:00 AMSharing a small tool-self developed to sync the users from AzureAD to on=premise Active Directory Service.