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[Az] Day 10: Implementing a Helm Deployment CI/CD AzureDevOps Pipeline for a Private AKS Cluster.

Published: at 12:00 PM


In our previous article, we covered the process of importing Docker images into a private Azure Container Registry (ACR). Building on that foundation, this guide will walk you through creating Helm charts for nginx-ingress and cert-manager, and setting up a comprehensive Helm deployment pipeline for your private Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Azure DevOps.

Table of Contents

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Configuring an Azure DevOps Agent

To streamline the deployment process of your Helm charts, it’s crucial to set up and configure an Azure DevOps agent on the virtual machine (VM) provisioned by the az-04-cloudPC project. This setup ensures that your CI/CD pipeline functions smoothly within a private network environment.

Installing the Azure DevOps Agent

  1. Log into your virtual machine using Windows 365 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
  2. Follow the detailed instructions in the Microsoft documentation to install the Azure DevOps agent on a Linux-based VM.
  3. Once installed, assign the agent to the aks-agents pool to optimize resource allocation.

After installed, the agent should be listed under Azure DevOps project’s agents as below: private-aks-agent-pool

Installing Essential Tools

For effective Helm chart deployment, ensure the following tools are installed on the agent:

Note: After installing these tools, restart the VM to ensure that the installations are correctly applied and effective.

Azure DevOps Extensions

To facilitate our deployment process, we’ll be using the Replace Tokens extension for Azure Pipelines. This task replaces tokens in text-based files with actual variable values, allowing for dynamic configuration of our Helm charts. Ensure this extension is installed in your Azure DevOps environment before proceeding with the pipeline setup.

Nginx and Cert Manager Helm Chart

Our Helm chart is designed to deploy three essential parts:

  1. Nginx Ingress Controller: This internal ingress controller will service traffic at the IP address, using the internal domain
  2. Cert-Manager: This component is responsible for generating SSL certificates for all internal subdomains. It also monitors certificate expiration and handles timely renewals.
  3. Let’s Encrypt ClusterIssuer: The chart includes templates to deploy a Let’s Encrypt ClusterIssuer, enabling Cert-Manager to issue free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt.
View the Chart.yaml file [inline](

Env-Variables Values

We’ve created a values-dev.yaml file to configure our development environment.

View the values-dev.yaml file

  enabled: true
      registry: '${{acrName}}'
      image: 'ingress-nginx/controller'
      tag: "v1.11.1"
      digest: ''
          registry: '${{acrName}}'
          image: 'ingress-nginx/kube-webhook-certgen'
          tag: 'v1.4.1'
          digest: ''
    hostNetwork: 'false'
    useIngressClassOnly: 'true'
    watchIngressWithoutClass: 'true'
    ingressClass: 'internal'
      name: 'internal'
      enabled: true
      default: true
    allowSnippetAnnotations: 'false'
        #This is important to tell azure load balancer that this is an internal IP address 'true'
      externalTrafficPolicy: 'Local'
      loadBalancerIP: '${{private-ip}}'
      useForwardedHeaders: 'true'
      computeFullForwardedFor: 'true'
      useProxyProtocol: 'true'
      use-forwarded-headers: 'true'
      disable-access-log: 'true'
      proxy-buffer-size: '800k'
      client-header-buffer-size: '800k'
      client_max_body_size: '10m'
      annotation-value-word-blocklist: 'load_module,lua_package,_by_lua,location,root,proxy_pass,serviceaccount,{,},\\'

  enabled: true
  # cert-manager controller
    repository: '${{acrName}}'
    tag: v1.15.2
  # cert-manager webhook
      repository: '${{acrName}}'
      tag: v1.15.2
  # cert-manager cainjector
      repository: '${{acrName}}'
      tag: v1.15.2
  # Configuration for the domain
  installCRDs: true
    defaultIssuerName: "letsencrypt-prod"
    defaultIssuerKind: "ClusterIssuer"
    defaultIssuerGroup: ""
    - --dns01-recursive-nameservers-only
    - --dns01-recursive-nameservers=

  # the first deployment this need to be 'false'
  # after cert-manager deployed then enable this to deploy 'lets-encrypt' cluster issuer.
  enabled: true
  email: 'admin@${{cf-domain}}'
  cfToken: '${{cf-dns-token}}'

Setting Up an Azure DevOps Pipeline

With our Helm charts prepared, it’s time to create an Azure DevOps pipeline to deploy these to our secure AKS cluster.

Pipeline Preparation:

Pipeline Deployment:

View the values-dev.yaml here

trigger: none
# uncomment this to enable auto trigger.
#  branches:
#    include:
#    - releases/*
#    exclude:
#    - main
pr: none

- group: cf-dns
- name: env_name
  value: $(build.sourceBranchName)
- name: azureSubscription
  value: 'az-pulumi'
- name: rsGroup
  value: 'dev-03-aks72e74d22'
- name: aksName
  value: 'dev-aks-clusterfe073605'
- name: acrName
  value: 'devaksacreb86a9ea'
- name: private-ip
  value: ''
- name: valueFile
  value: 'values-dev.yaml'
- name: chart
  value: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/pipeline/ingress-helm'
- name: releaseName
  value: 'nginx-ingress'

  # As our AKS is a private cluster. We need to use the private agent pool.
  name: aks-agents

  # This step will replace all ${{}} tokens from YAML file by the pipeline variables (either from the variable group, key vault or inline variables above).
  # It will raise error to stop the pipeline if any variables are not found.
  - task: replacetokens@6
    displayName: 'Prepare Helm'
      sources: '$(chart)/$(valueFile)'
      tokenPattern: 'githubactions'
      caseInsensitivePaths: false
      includeDotPaths: false
      missingVarLog: 'error'
      ifNoFilesFound: 'error'

  # Deploy Helm to AKS using Service Principal
  - task: AzureCLI@2
    displayName: 'Deploy Helm'
      azureSubscription: '$(azureSubscription)'
      scriptType: 'bash'
      scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
      inlineScript: |
        # login to AKS using Service Principal
        az aks get-credentials --resource-group $(rsGroup) --name $(aksName) --overwrite-existing --public-fqdn
        kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l azurecli
        # Deploy Helm Chart
        helm upgrade --namespace $(releaseName) --install --values '$(chart)/$(valueFile)' --create-namespace --cleanup-on-fail --history-max 5 --insecure-skip-tls-verify  $(releaseName) $(chart)

Application Helm Chart

Now, let’s create another Helm chart to deploy our applications. For this example, we’ll use a Helm chart to deploy the azuredocs/aks-helloworld:v1 image, provided by the Microsoft AKS team for demonstration purposes. Once deployed, the cert-manager will automatically issue an SSL certificate for the subdomain, enabling us to access the application via Windows 365 VDI. Pipeline Deployment:

Application Access:

View the app helm chart here

trigger: none
# uncomment this to enable auto trigger.
#  branches:
#    include:
#    - releases/*
#    exclude:
#    - main
pr: none

- name: env_name
  value: $(build.sourceBranchName)
- name: azureSubscription
  value: 'az-pulumi'
- name: rsGroup
  value: 'dev-03-aks72e74d22'
- name: aksName
  value: 'dev-aks-clusterfe073605'
- name: acrName
  value: 'devaksacreb86a9ea'
- name: valueFile
  value: 'values-dev.yaml'
- name: chart
  value: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/pipeline/drunk-apps-helm'
- name: releaseName
  value: 'drunk-apps'

  # As our AKS is a private cluster. We need to use the private agent pool.
  name: aks-agents

  # This step will replace all ${{}} tokens from YAML file by the pipeline variables (either from the variable group, key vault or inline variables above).
  # It will raise error to stop the pipeline if any variables are not found.
  - task: replacetokens@6
    displayName: 'Prepare Helm'
      sources: '$(chart)/$(valueFile)'
      tokenPattern: 'githubactions'
      caseInsensitivePaths: false
      includeDotPaths: false
      missingVarLog: 'error'
      ifNoFilesFound: 'error'

  # Deploy Helm to AKS using Service Principal
  - task: AzureCLI@2
    displayName: 'Deploy Helm'
      azureSubscription: '$(azureSubscription)'
      scriptType: 'bash'
      scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
      inlineScript: |
        # login to AKS using Service Principal
        az aks get-credentials --resource-group $(rsGroup) --name $(aksName) --overwrite-existing --public-fqdn
        kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l azurecli
        # Deploy Helm Chart
        helm upgrade --namespace $(releaseName) --install --values '$(chart)/$(valueFile)' --create-namespace --cleanup-on-fail --history-max 5 --insecure-skip-tls-verify  $(releaseName) $(chart)


In this guide, we’ve walked through the process of creating Helm charts for nginx-ingress and cert-manager, and setting up an Azure DevOps pipeline to deploy these charts to a private AKS cluster. This approach allows for easy management and deployment of these critical components in your Kubernetes infrastructure.

By leveraging Helm and Azure DevOps, We can ensure consistent and repeatable deployments across your environments, making it easier to manage and scale your applications in a private AKS cluster.

Remember to always follow security best practices, such as using Azure Key Vault for storing sensitive information and regularly updating your deployments with the latest security patches.



Day 11: Exposing a Private AKS Application via Cloudflare Tunnel.

In the next article, We demonstrate how to securely expose an application running on a private AKS cluster to the internet using Cloudflare Tunnel, without the need for public IP addresses or open ports. We’ll also show how to apply authentication to all exposed applications and centralize access control using Azure Entra ID Groups, ensuring only authorized users have access.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide! We hope it has been helpful in setting up your Helm deployment pipeline for a private AKS cluster. Feel free to explore further and happy deploying! 🚀🌟

Steven | GitHub